Channel: 09 Sagittarius – Phil Booth's official astrology website

Sagittarius- Monday, January 29, 2024


You know all too well what it’s like to inhabit that part of the emotional universe called dissatisfaction. You’ve explored every corner of it. But now an old dream is about to get triggered. Fresh winds of change are whisking you along towards warmer and happier climes. Yes, it’s a tough world out there, but you are beating the odds. The key is to be passionate and determined. That will assure you reach your happy destination.
Monday 29 January 2024
Daily Thoughts

I’m accepting appointments now! Tune into the stars. Book a one-to-one Personal Astrology Session. For info on the cost and how to book a reading, email me at phil@boothstars.com. With your date, place and time of birth, you can discover truly amazing facts about yourself, the past and your future.

Here we are at the top of another week with spectacular possibilities. Who knows what wonderful things will come.

Secrets are being exposed. Hidden agendas are being revealed. Truth is exploding into plain view, yet some people will either be blind to it or just refuse to acknowledge it.

All the current celestial high energy will be good for you. Pluto has left Capricorn and entered Aquarius, ruler by Uranus, the bringer of truth. Make sure you maintain a positive frame of mind. With Pluto now in Aquarius we will find truth rises to the surface. Deception will be stripped away. We are entering an important new chapter in human history.

Neptune’s influence will cause the veil between our world and the spiritual to become thin and translucent. You may hear strange sounds and feel as though something invisible is close by. It could be a relative or close friend providing you with guidance and love. Stay connected to the compassionate source.


When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
~ Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)


Sagittarius- Tuesday, January 30, 2024


A challenging situation has made you aware of an unconscious issue that needed to come to your awareness. This is good. You have freed yourself from past encumbrances. Your qualities of honesty, integrity and courage are always appreciated by your friends in high places i.e. celestial places, that is. You have a lot to be proud of. A long overdue leap into a life of joy has officially begun.
Tuesday 30 January 2024
Daily Thoughts

I’m accepting appointments now! Tune into the stars. Book a one-to-one Personal Astrology Session. For info on the cost and how to book a reading, email me at phil@boothstars.com. With your date, place and time of birth, you can discover truly amazing facts about yourself, the past and your future.

The intensity of the last Full Moon combined with the surge of high-voltage energy of Uranus delivered rather unpredictable and bizarre events. For some it produced anxiety, but for others it proved unexpectedly fortunate.

Today, a lovely alignment of harmony between Venus and Jupiter will produce a daring and optimistic mood. If you have been feeling unsettled and nervous of late, this will help calm your jangled nerves by providing plenty of raw and vibrant energy to get you fired up and doing your thing.

Stay connected with the positive energy that permeates every aspect of your life. Nurture the sweet vision of what you want your future to be. The stars are lighting your way to the fulfilment of your greatest dream.


When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
~ Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)


Sagittarius- Wednesday, January 31, 2024


It is imperative to find a way of viewing a certain troubling situation from a more positive and encouraging vantage point. What appears to be so negative need not be that way. Take control of your thought stream and lighten up your viewpoint. By simply changing your perspective, you’ll find the aforementioned problem turns into a huge opportunity; that is, if it hasn’t already.
Wednesday 31 January 2024
Daily Thoughts

I’m accepting appointments now! Tune into the stars. Book a one-to-one Personal Astrology Session. For info on the cost and how to book a reading, email me at phil@boothstars.com. With your date, place and time of birth, you can discover truly amazing facts about yourself, the past and your future.

Mercury, the merchant, is currently travelling in organized and orderly Capricorn. This will help bring sharpness and clarity to your thoughts and plans. His journey through the Sign of the Goat will last until Feb 5. Mercury is sailing off towards the far side of the Sun with your hopes, dreams, and aspirations on his ship. The next few weeks will be a time of constructive planning and getting some solid results for all your efforts. It’s a good time for formulating agreements.


When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
~ Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)


Sagittarius – Thursday, February 1, 2024


Even if you are not sure of the shape of things to come, they will come nonetheless, but judging by the favourable celestial picture hovering above you, you needn’t be worried about Life, the Universe and Everything. The trajectory of your path is excellent. Much to your astonishment, a past error triggered a process of positive change.
Thursday 1 February 2024
Daily Thoughts

I’m accepting appointments now! Tune into the stars. Book a one-to-one Personal Astrology Session. For info on the cost and how to book a reading, email me at phil@boothstars.com. With your date, place and time of birth, you can discover truly amazing facts about yourself, the past and your future.

I stepped outside this morning to a beautiful day and found myself cheerfully greeted by sunshine, fresh air and the singing of little angles – sparrows. There was something different about their chirps and twirls. They were announcing the imminent arrival of Spring. This happens every year at this time. I recognized it as the energy of the Imbolc. The length of day has noticeably grown.

The way these little cheery little sparrows sing on February 1 is the same every year. It can be no other day than the Imbolc. Sparrows are emissaries of Venus aka Aphrodite.

Imbolc announces the growing light, the hope of warmer weather and the romantic call to reproduce. A shift in seasons is beginning. Spring is on the way.

In the Celtic calendar February 1 or 2 is known as the Imbolc. It’s one of the four Celtic “Fire Festivals.” It comes at the halfway point of the Winter Solstice of Dec 21 when the Sun enters Capricorn and the Spring Equinox of March 19/20 this year when the Sun enters Aries.

It warms our heart with hope. The seeds of a new beginning are being planted. In British Isles and northern France, snowdrops (perce-neige) are poking through the snow and lovely crocuses are popping up in woodlands, meadows and city parks.

The darkness of the winter is easing. The light is growing. The days are getting longer. The golden light of hope is heralding the end of a long period of gloom. Bless the birds for the message that convey to us.


When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
~ Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)


Sagittarius- Friday, February 2, 2024


The potency of the celestial alignments is giving you the will to surpass your limitations. Inspiring new ideas will change your relationship to people of influence. Auspicious cosmic indicators point to a momentous positive shift in your life. You’ve got courage, determination, an abundance of energy and plenty of luck on your side. The stars are arranging a private meeting for you with serendipity.
Friday 2 February 2024
Daily Thoughts

I’m accepting appointments now! Tune into the stars. Book a one-to-one Personal Astrology Session. For info on the cost and how to book a reading, email me at phil@boothstars.com. With your date, place and time of birth, you can discover truly amazing facts about yourself, the past and your future.

You can bet your bottom dollar that here in the Northern Hemisphere, plenty of cold weather and snow is still to come. The winter isn’t over yet, but as we were discussing yesterday, the end is in sight. There is light at the end of that proverbial tunnel.

The dark days of January are behind us. The Sun is halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.

The Sun is moving higher in the sky. In Celtic cosmology, the energy of this midpoint was felt and celebrated as one of the four Fire Festivals. The Imbolc point along the Sun’s path is activated every year around February 1 and 2. It’s a cosmic energy source – a bright spark that was celebrated by the Celts.

Our modern industrial society has lost contact with the ancient gods and goddesses. Let there be no doubt about it! They are alive and well and speaking to you. Our male-dominated, left-brain humanity has lost its way. We see only the rational and the material, not the spiritual. But that is changing. More people than ever are meditating. Stop the chatter mind.

Vestiges of the ancient wisdom are still with us and growing again. The great day of the Imbolc is echoed in Ground Hog Day on February 2. It remains a day of joviality, and of hope that the spring is in the offing.

Connect with the Universe. Light your candle. Write down your wishes. Pray for your loved ones to be safe and happy. And pray for world peace. Let’s connect with the benevolent source that is doing its best to bring us together.


When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
~ Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)


Sagittarius- Saturday, February 3, 2024


The speed of time is accelerating. We are all being propelled into an unknown future. This makes it all the more important to slow things down. Pause often to hear the sounds around you and imbibe the beauty that surrounds you. Slow life down. Appreciate all that is good. The Universe is speaking to you. Happiness starts within yourself and then spreads into the world.
Saturday 3 February 2024
Daily Thoughts

I’m accepting appointments now! Tune into the stars. Book a one-to-one Personal Astrology Session. For info on the cost and how to book a reading, email me at phil@boothstars.com. With your date, place and time of birth, you can discover truly amazing facts about yourself, the past and your future.

Throw yourself into that important project you’re considering. Give it all you’ve got. The power of high-voltage Uranus will give you a helpful push. A surge of optimism will fill your heart with hope.

It’s imperative to stay out of the anxiety zone. Control your mood by focussing on positive thoughts. Conversations in the coming days will be electric. Interaction with people will kick up some great ideas. It is through our friends and acquaintances that opportunities pop into our lives out of nowhere.


When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
~ Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)


Sagittarius – Thursday, February 8, 2024


Life has been taking you through a series of twists and turns on crazy roller-coaster ride. It’s enough to drive the hardiest of souls to madness. Things, though, are better than you think. The road ahead is clearly laid out with just the occasional roadblock. Your plan is good. Your strategy is sound. An obstacle you are dealing with can and will be surmounted. The Universe will guide you through a detour and get you past a temporary impasse.
Thursday 8 February 2024
Daily Thoughts

I’m accepting appointments now! Tune into the stars. Book a one-to-one Personal Astrology Session. For info on the cost and how to book a reading, email me at phil@boothstars.com. With your date, place and time of birth, you can discover truly amazing facts about yourself, the past and your future.

As the stars wheel by day by day, they reveal our destiny gradually and incrementally. We are now down to the final dayof the Lunar Month. We are about to enter the portal of the Dark Moon phase when the veil between our material world and the spiritual world becomes thin and translucent. You may hear strange sounds or feel as though something invisible is close by.

Stay connected to the compassionate source that is within your being. It will guide you well. You are safe. You are in the hands of an angel. Quiet your mind. Close down the internal dialogue. Cease the cerebral chatter. LISTEN TO YOUR BREATH! Look into the light of the stars and the creative core of this Universe will send you a message. The stars will advise you on how to overcome your challenges and attain your dreams.


When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
~ Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)


Sagittarius- Friday, February 9, 2024


You are going through a pivotal shift in your self-awareness. Your personal power is ramping up. A refreshing breeze of renewal is blowing into an area of your life that has been suffering from stagnation. Whether you are aware of it or not, something good is happening underfoot. The potency of the celestial climate is giving you the will to surpass your limitations.
Friday 9 February 2024
Daily Thoughts

I’m accepting appointments now! Tune into the stars. Book a one-to-one Personal Astrology Session. For info on the cost and how to book a reading, email me at phil@boothstars.com. With your date, place and time of birth, you can discover truly amazing facts about yourself, the past and your future.

A sparky New Moon in sociable Aquarius kicks into action. Not only is it the start of another 29.5-day lunar month, but it is the start of the Chinese New Year. Say hello to the Wood Dragon. This animal sign repeats every 12 years, but to get one in the same element you have to wait 60 years. The last time we had a Wood Dragon year was in 1964.

New Moons bring new themes, new opportunities and fresh beginnings, so watch what issues come up in your life this week and you’ll get an idea of this lunar month’s agenda. This Aquarian New Moon/Sun is squared by the super sky god, Uranus. You will experience a few crazy days with configuration.

Stay calm, cool, and collected. Many of your dreams will come true this year. There may be a chance to free yourself from the imprisonment of debt. The ingenious Dragon will pull off a few miracles for you.

Strikes will bring disruption to law and order. Watch for an increase in protests and demonstrations. People are fed up with Big Pharma, Lockdowns, Vaccines. No one trusts the governments and all their elected politicians. There will be a growing worry of a Global Authoritarian Government.

It does promise to be a great year despite all the trouble we are witnessing in the news. Don’t let the negativity get you down. Keep your thoughts focussed on what you love about life. Choose your mood rather than letting circumstances or people force unwanted moods on you. It’s not an easy task, but if you know how to keep your spirits up, you’ll gain an amazing amount of control of your future. By all estimates, Dragon years are powerful, transformative years. Dragons are sensitive to the needs of others – a champion of the underdog.

The pattern is already emerging. A movement with a strong popular base is sweeping across the world. It is one that nurtures the rights of the oppressed masses. The Year of the Water Dragon will see a surge in the number of people who wish to put away their grievances and find ways to live in harmony.


When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
~ Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)


Sagittarius- Friday, February 16, 2024


There is something you have long wanted to do, but you fear that your hopes of achieving it are fading. The amount of upheaval it may require is causing you to doubt your path. All will be well. The stars wish to remind you that where there is a will, there is a way. Stay focussed. Be passionate. Your vision of happiness can be expedited with far greater ease than is apparent.
Friday 16 February 2024
Daily Thoughts

I’m accepting appointments now! Tune into the stars. Book a one-to-one Personal Astrology Session. For info on the cost and how to book a reading, email me at phil@boothstars.com. With your date, place and time of birth, you can discover truly amazing facts about yourself, the past and your future.

The diamond light of Jupiter and silvery glow of the Moon have been giving us a lovely show in the evening sky. These are powerful days as Jupiter/Zeus has been in close contact to the waxing Moon in earthy Taurus. Hard decisions need to be made. The sky above demands that you take action. It won’t be as hard as you think. Jupiter will inspire you and give you strength.

Mystical and mysterious Neptune aka Neptune, the ruler of Pisces is inspiring your imagination. He takes us into the watery depths of the sea. Jupiter (Zeus), on the other hand, ruler of Sagittarius takes us up to the heights of the Mount Olympus where eagles fly in the rarefied air close to heaven. That is why Buddhist temples are on the mountain tops of Tibet, Nepal and India.

Prepare for revelations and epiphanies. The compassionate source of the Universe will whisper words of wisdom to your heart and soul. Light a candle to deepen your connection to your spiritual source of nourishment.


When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
~ Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)


Sagittarius- Saturday, February 17, 2024


By maintaining sanguine expectations, you will find a way to turn a drawback to your advantage. What first appeared as an adverse development was actually an opportunity in disguise. The Universe places obstacles in your path in order to test your conviction and passion. Persistence and determination are all you need to succeed in your quest. And you’ve got both in ample supply.
Saturday 17 February 2024
Daily Thoughts

I’m accepting appointments now! Tune into the stars. Book a one-to-one Personal Astrology Session. For info on the cost and how to book a reading, email me at phil@boothstars.com. With your date, place and time of birth, you can discover truly amazing facts about yourself, the past and your future.

Venus has left Capricorn and enters sociable Aquarius. This will be good for dialogue, negotiating and networking. Its journey through Aquarius will last until March 11. During this time, it will provide a great chance to make friends and associations in your personal and business world. Tempting doors will open. Windows of opportunity will appear where previously you encountered brick walls.

Be careful, though, this weekend. A square from Uranus in Taurus to Mercury (communication) in Aquarius could cause misunderstandings or even arguments. Be careful not to take things the wrong way. And be careful how you phrase your own opinions and thoughts. People are liable to not understand your intentions. Patience is a virtue.

Even so, serendipitous encounters or situations are highlighted. The inspiration is available to put you into a positive and proactive mood of action. No challenge is big enough to hold you back. You will soar like an eagle and see the big picture.


When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
~Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
~ Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 AD)


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